
Halloween Tunes!

I was trying to find Baron Shiver's KLXU's DJ gig, but couldn't find it podcast anywhere! (what is this -- 2006??) Luckily, I happened on the BURRITO ELECTRICO Halloween podcast, which is a solid, fuzzed-out, pseudo-Misfits-heavy slab o' Horror rock.

play list:

HellCat and the Prowl - Halloween

Graveyard Shift - Coffin Cadillac

Rezurex - Graveyard Girl

The Van Orsdels - Shallow grave

Back to Zero - Demon Girl

The After Darks - RedNeck Zombie

BlitzKid - Making a Monster

Misfits - Night of the Living Dead

The Monster Club - Boris Bella & I

GraveStompers - Halloween in HaddonField

Evil Devil - Highway 666

As DiaBatz - Witches Stomp

Calabrese - Childern of the night

The SpookShow - Carry me Home

The Coffin Caddies - Zombiemania

The Undead - Be My Ghoul

The Flanders - Halloween

Misfits - Halloween II