
Mark Mori: Bettie Scout

Mark Mori, the director of BETTIE PAGE REVEALS ALL has been very active on the long-running virtual cantina of die-hard Bettie enthusiasts, the Yahoo! group, BETTIE SCOUTS OF AMERICA.

THE BETTIE SCOUTS OF AMERICA is the original Bettie Page fan club started September 9, 1992. Steve Brewster, the founder & Scoutmaster, invites you to come on in and share your thoughts, photos, art, links about Bettie.

Here''s a few sample exhanges to urge you to both join that group and be more active in our forums here at BettiePageMovie.com:

Posted by: Brian Keith

Irving destroyed a lot of negatives I understand - Paula saved many, but which ones?

Posted by: Mark Mori

In my 1996 on camera interview with Paula, she indicated that Kefauver did not order the destruction of negatives. This was done a number of times over the years by various judges, mostly due to persecution from the post office, but also local authorities. Irving finally got tired of years of harassment. By the early early sixties. Irving was ready to give it all up to try to stop the harassment, but Paula wasn''t. Paula saved many negatives, mostly ones of Bettie, as opposed to other models, by burying them somewhere in New Jersey, she said. Maybe others can shed more light on this.

Posted by: "Ti Eastman"

This is why -- despite Bettie bios, biopics, and documentaries -- we still need Mark Mori to tell the tale about what happened in Bettie''s life.

It''s true Kefauver started the ball rolling, but he was long gone from Movie Star News'' legal tangles when Irving cut a deal to get the Post Office off his back. He was told that he wouldn''t have to go to jail if they destroyed the "offensive" photos and negatives.

Why not post questions in the documentary''s "Ask the Director" section regarding what you want to see included in the film? It''s still on the cutting room floor. You have it in your power to affect its contents. In fact, if you go there, you''ll notice that Mark Mori has posted what Paula Klaw said about the deal with the Post Office.